

发布日期:2023-11-27 | 作者:肥仔

2023年06月07日14:28 家居装修资讯

《伊夫·克莱因—超出时空》(Yves Klein - Painter of Space)中国初次年夜型小我回首展将在7爱游戏月6日正式在嘉德艺术中间对公家开放, 该展览也是法国驻华年夜使馆举行的第17届“中法文化之春”的系列展览之一。







协办:Yves Klein Archives





Exhibition name: Yves Klein - Painter of Space

Organizer: Guardian Art Center

Co-Organizer: Yves Klein Archives

Exhibition presented as part of the 17th edition of the festival Croisements organized by the French Embassy in China

Exhibition Collaborator: Doors门艺

Exhibition time:2023.7.6-10.3

Exhibition venue:B1 Floor, Guardian Art Center

Yves Klein - Painter of Space" is the first retrospective in China on the pioneering artist of action art and the immaterial practices of contemporary art. The exhibition presents a collection of more than 60 works and a large selection of documents - drawings, photographs and films - taking into account all the techniques that the artist developed during his short but intense career between 1954 and 1962.

The exhibition examine three of the main issues present in his work: monochromatism, the material nature of the flesh, and the immaterial character of art, for Yves Klein's work rests on a dynamic balance between two poles: the visible and the invisible, matter and emptiness, flesh and immaterial.

The exhibition presents his entire trajectory: the first monochrome paintings in color, the famous blue monochromes, the reliefs and sponge sculptures, the Anthropometries, the monogolds and his last experiments with natural elements such as fire, air and water. Constructed in just seven years, Klein's bold work, which anticipates many later trends and remains fully relevant today.

原文网址: 《伊夫·克莱因—超出时空》中国初次年夜型小我回首展 http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-846141.html